
Chelonia Mydas Conservation News


The endangered (IUCN) Green Sea Turtle, Chelonia Midas, is found in tropical and subtropical ecosystems along the East Coast of Australia, along with many other regions in the Indo-Pacific. 

This species can be found in the Nelson Bay Area, laying on sponge gardens or on a bed of sea grass. Chelonia Midas' population is decreasing. Global warming has caused a noticeable increase in sand temperature during the nesting season between November- March. Increasing sand temperatures posses the threat of gender imbalance within populations, as the heat of the sand determines the sex of the incubating eggs, with warmer air and sand temperatures producing female offspring. 

On the Great Barrier Reef last year, over 99% of the offspring produced was female. This is known as 'feminisation'. 

It also takes as little as 14 pieces of plastic to kill a sea turtle. 

So how can you help conserve turtle populations as we experience global warming?

Monitor your single use plastic consumption and make the switch to reusable items where possible. This can be in the form of reusable bags, water bottles, keep cups, cutlery and containers. 

Buy second hand! By creating a circular economy we are limiting the emissions that would have been produced to create a new product as well as those that would be produced by discarding items that could have otherwise been repurposed. 

Buy local! By supporting local businesses you not only helping people in your local community but you are also reducing the carbon miles your items would have produced during its transportation. This is particularly useful for buying fresh produce!

Written by Kristen McSpadden. 

Image credited to Malcolm Nobbs ©